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Discover our podcast on History of Science and on health made by Florian and Yannick.

The story of the Royal Hotel of Invalides

Discover our new series of podcast dedicated on the Royal Hotel of Invalides (Paris) which was the first institution created to care for wounded soldiers...

The Story of Vampirism

In this podcast, we talk about pop culture, a rare disease and various events that took place in Eastern Europe during the 18th...

The Story of the Human Genome Project

Discover our new podcast on the history of the human genome project : from the genesis of an international consortium to the publication in...

An association to save my son and do everything to make him happy

For this podcast, I met Sandra who created a patient association to save her son from a devastating mitochondrial rare...

Stories for children on Rare Diseases

For this podcast, I adiscussed with Pr. Laurence OLIVIER FAIVRE and Ms. Sonia GOERGER about their book series for children con rare...

Journal Club

Discover our podcast series focused on Science advancement. 5 articles explained in 10 minutes every month!...

The story of HeLa Cells

Do you know the story of Henrietta Lacks and her cells, which quickly went around the world and became extremely useful for science...

The History of Leprosy

Discover our podcasts on the history of leprosy from the first discoveries to the treatments that have reduced the disease worldwide...

Boccia: a great strategic game, some friends and the dream to win the gold medal in 2024

For this podcast, I met Aurélie and Claudine, respectively player and trainer of Boccia, a game practiced by many disabled...

The History of Rosalind Franklin

Discover the History of Rosalind Franklin who importantly contributed to the discovery of the double helix structure of...

Treating ALS by gene therapy : a reason for hope

A podcast with Maria Grazia Biferi, PhD, who is developing gene therapy for treating ALS, a rare and devastating...

History of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Discover the history of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig disease. In this article, we focused on the advances and work that preceded the identification of the disease by...

Ancient Greeks and the perception of handicap

How the Greeks defined and understood different disabilities. We will look at their view of body and mind before concluding with the treatment of "malformed" new-borns, which has been the subject of...

History of Acromegaly

Discover the history of acromegaly, from David & Goliath myth to how we treat the disease...

History of the Plague of Athens

In this episode, we will discuss this crisis considered today to be the first major epidemic in history. Through the stories of Thucydides, we will discuss the arrival of the disease in the port of...

History of the eradication of Poliomyelitis

In these podcasts on the history of the Polio, we talk about the first traces found in Egypt, the dramatic epidemia in the XIXth and XXth century and the development of a vaccine that almost...

History of plague

In these podcasts on the history of the Plague, we talk about the pioneering discoveries of Alexander Yersin, the Justinian Plague and the Black...

History of Cancer

From the first discoveries of tumors, to the first trials of treatments to the rise of oncology and conventional and innovative therapies. An incredible scientific...

History of genes

Discover in this podcast, the fabulous history of genetics: from the first works on heredity to the recent pioneers of the 20th...

History of Stress

Stress is probably as old as a mankind. However, it was not discovered scientifically until the first half of the 20th...

History of Memory

The history of memory is lulled by attempts at explanations, improvements, theories, and of course recent advances (Alzheimer's disease). Check out this exciting...

History of allergies

In this podcast, we talk about the history of allergies through historical anecdotes, starting with ancient Egypt and ending with the great discoveries of the past two...

History of blood

This first episode is devoted to the history of blood in medicine, rich in beliefs, anecdotes and progress. From the Theory of Humors to blood transfusion, via bloodletting, discover this fabulous...

When artificial intelligence helps the development of new therapies

With my guest, David Del Bourgo, we discussed why and how AI and deep learning are used in medicine or medical...

Comprendre les difficultés en maths des enfants dyspraxiques (avec la Dr. Alice Gomez)

In this podcast, we come back, with Dr. Alice Gomez, to what conditions the learning of mathematics, the difficulties in math of children with dyspraxia and how we can help them to overcome their...

Cerebral dementia, prevent first

I was really pleased to discuss with Dr. Sylvaine Artero (INSERM) about her new study focused on the impact of a diet rich in refined sugar on the risk of developing cerebral...

Love & Endometriosis

For this podcast, I discussed with Céline Dessaigne, psychologist, who followed women suffering from endometriosis. We talked about love, sex and endometriosis and how couples can find a normal life...

Endometriosis: treating pain first – podcast

I was pleased to discuss with Prof. Arnaud Fauconnier, expert in endometriosis. He has drawn up a self-questionnaire to early detect severe forms of...

Abusive use of video games

In this podcast, I discussed with Dr. Céline Bonnaire, psychologist, about video games, the associated disorders and how to better regulate this daily...

#IAmHere against violence in social media

In this podcast, I was pleased to discuss with Xavier Brandao, who co-created the #IAmHere group to combat violence on social...

Cure hyperconsumption

In this podcast, I had the pleasure to discuss with Pr. Moati, expert in consumer behavior (Univeristé Paris 1 &...

Clinical trials – podcast

Drug development is a long process. In this podcast, I invited Alexandra Jobert to talk about clinical...

Genes, genetic diseases and innovative therapies

Genes are life. they support the necessary information for driving the development and the function of our cells ? But, when a mutation appears, what are the consequences ? How work the innovative...

Vaccines and social media – podcast

During this podcast recorded in public, we discussed some fake news that dangerously circulate in social media....

Stress, the good and the evil – Podcast

Stress is a defense mechanism to fight aggression and face new situations. However, when stress is chronic, the good effects disappear and different diseases can...

How works memory? – podcast

Memory is the function that allows us to record, store and retrieve information to interact with our environment, perform everyday tasks, and so on. But how does it work? How can we differentiate...

Allergies – podcast

Today, almost one in three people suffer from allergies. Scientists estimate that in 2050, one in two people will be concerned. How do allergies work? Why is this disease expanding? What are the...

Red & white blood cells

A short article about these common cells. What are their roles ? How works an antibody...

The Secret History of Penicillin

We all know Alexander Fleming's name, who discovered penicillin in 1928. In this episode, we will focus on the state of treatments before the discovery of penicillin, before mentioning Alexander...

6 months of progress on Covid-19

For this podcast, I discussed with Pr. Christophe D'Enfert, scientific director of the Institut Pasteur. Together, we came back on the past 6 months during which many discoveries have been made to...
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