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Target: Rehabilitation Professionals
Pagination: 216 pages
Format: 230 x 163 mm
Language: French
Publication: June 2020
ISBN: 978-2-490660-35-3 (printed book)/ 978-2-490660-34-6 (pdf)
Printed version: OUT OF STOCK
Please feel free to print PDF files directly.
This is a translation from English of the guide Early Rehabilitation in Conflicts and Disasters published by Humanity Inclusion in January 2020.
This Field Handbook builds on the foundations laid by the ICRC and AO Foundation Limb Injuries Guide and the Handicap International Rehabilitation in Sudden Onset Disasters manual. The contents are directly linked to modules taught on disasterready.org where there are additional accompanying resources designed to be used in conflict and disasters settings.
Each chapter has been developed by a team of highly specialized rehabilitation professionals, using current evidence or based on best practice consensus, whilst highlighting clinical issues which rehabilitation professionals may encounter in conflicts and disasters.