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Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry. Do not hesitate to share with us your insights on how to improve the daily lives of persons living with a rare disease or disability.

Are you an organization that needs support to carry out an impactful project?

Fondation Ipsen is deeply committed to fostering impactful initiatives, recognizing the critical need for collaborative efforts to drive meaningful change. As part of our dedication to transparency, equity, and ethical practice, we invite organizations with compelling projects to engage with us.

Please know that when receiving grants from the Fondation Ipsen, the importance of accountability and outcomes will be emphasized, requiring comprehensive reporting to ensure the efficient use of resources and tangible impact of each endeavor. Together, we aim to uphold the highest standards of integrity while striving to make a difference in the lives of people affected by rare diseases.

Please do not hesitate to consult our final report template for supported programs.

Report template

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