Fondation Ipsen

7 Questions to explain Coronavirus to children  

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By Yannick TANGUY

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Age: from 4 years old 
Pagination: 12 pages 
Format: 200 x 200 mm 
Languages: French, English 
Publication: May 2020 
ISBN: 978-2-490660-61-2 (printed book_French version)/ 978-2-914686-15-5 (ePub_French version)/ 978-2-914686-16-2 (ePub_English version) 

Every month, the Fondation Ipsen’s LiveLab publishes a series of podcasts, taking a cross- disciplinary approach where science tells its own storiesDuring this special period, Yannick Tanguy questions and answers the legitimate questions that children may ask themselves about the Coronavirus, and the reasons for the lockdown to which almost half of humanity has been reduced to on that day. Olga Markova, a researcher at École Polytechnique, illustrated the remarks. 

Yannick Tanguy, PhD in Neuroscience, worked in various domains like gene therapy or neurodegenerative diseases. Today, at Fondation Ipsen, he works as a scientific communicator and develops various media (podcasts, publications, public lectures, videos) for sharing his passion and curiosity for science. 

Biophysicist at École Polytechnique, Olga Markova works at the interface between physics and biology, on the functioning of the cell. She also graduated from the Kiev School of Art and exhibits her paintings in France and Ukraine.

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